Journal Publications

Kuen-Sheng Wang, Kung-Yuh Chiang, Shin-Ming Lin, Chi-Chang Tsai, Chang-Jung Sun, 1999/06, “Effects of chlorides on emissions of toxic compounds in waste incineration: Study on partitioning characteristics of heavy metals”, Chemophere, 38(8), PP. 1833~1849, SCI.


江康鈺、王鯤生, 1998/08, “廢棄物焚化過程重金屬分佈及排放特性”, 工業污染防治, 第18卷/第2期, PP. 89~115.


Kuen-Sheng Wang, Kung-Yuh Chiang, Shin-Ming Lin, Chi-Chang Tsai, Chang-Jung Sun, 1998/08, “Effects of Chlorides on Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride Formation in Waste Incineration”, Chemosphere, Vol. 38/ No. 7, PP. 1571~1582, SCI.


Kuen-Sheng Wang, Kung-Yuh Chiang, Jin-Kae Perng, Chang-Jung Sun, 1998/08, “The Characteristics Study on Sintering of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ashes”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 59, PP. 201~210, SCI.