Journal Publications

游庶海,江康鈺,鄭乾崙, 2003/08, “低壓逆滲透處理法回收再利用都市污水處理廠放流水之研究”, 聯合學報, 23, PP. 385~394.


江康鈺, 2002/12, “碳源對堆肥過程氮及碳損失之影響”, 環保月刊, 2/12, PP. 174~175.


江康鈺, 2002/12, “利用都市垃圾焚化飛灰製成陶瓷玻璃再利用之研究”, 環保月刊, 2/12, PP. 176~177.


Kung-Yuh Chiang, Shin-Da Yoi, Hern-Nan Lin, Kung-Shen Wang, 2001/08, “Stabilization of heavy metals in sewage sludge composting process”, Water Science and Technology, 44(10), PP. 95~100, SCI.


Wang, K.S.,Chiang, K.Y.,Lin, K.L.,Sun, C.J., 2001/08, “Effects of a Water-extraction Process on Heavy Metal Behavior in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash”, Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 62.


Kung-Yuh Chiang , Ling-Min Huang, Yin-Shin Lee, Kuen-Sheng Wang, 2001/07, “Recovery of Heavy Metals in Electrostatic Precipitator Ash by Carbon Dioxide as a Pre-extraction Reagent”, Separation Science and Technology, 36(10), PP. 2327~2339, SCI.


Kuen-Sheng Wang, Kung-Yuh Chiang , Chin-Chang Tsai, Chang-Long Sun, Chen-Chiu Tsai, Kae-Long Lin, 2000/08, “The Effects of FeCl3 on the Distribution of the Heavy Metals Cd, Cu, Cr, and Zn in a Simulated Multi-Metal Incineration System”, Environment International, Vol. 26, SCI.


Kung-Yuh Chiang, Kuen-Sheng Wang, Chen-Chiu Tsai, Chang-Long Sun, 2000/08, “Formation of Heavy Metal Species during PVC-containing Simulated MSW Incineration”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Vol. A36/ No. 5, SCI.